We recently enrolled the twins in Soccer. As always, I was concerned about how the coach and the kids would treat my little Mason because of his limb difference. So, I gave the sports program coordinator a head’s up, letting her know, just in case she needs to let the coach know. (You never know how people will respond) But, my purpose was so they wouldn’t be caught off guard and also so they’ll know ahead of time, there is no special accommodations needed. So, the first day of soccer came. Prior to this day, we’d told the kiddos they would be playing soccer with other kids soon. Not a smart move, because up until that day all we heard every single day was, “Do we play soccer ball today?!” First day, they were suited up. When I say dad went all out, he went all out. They had it all, Soccer Jersey’s (which all the kids had), but they also had soccer shorts, soccer socks with shin guards underneath (Madi’s are pink and Mace’s are black), and then there’s the soccer cleats! Who makes soccer cleats that small, you ask….well, they’re out there, and daddy bought them! LOL! We suited them up and they’re dressed the part, so I couldn’t wait to see what they’d do. Walking down the hallway at home to even get out the front door, was a challenge……just FYI, cleats and hardwood floors don’t mix. (Another funny moment). Anyway, the whole way to the soccer field, I’m extremely nervous. Again, worried about how my little one’s would be received, specifically Mason. I prayed in the car….prayer changes EVERYTHING. We got there and it was so many little ones running around and more were piling in. Kids were crying and throwing tantrums. Other, less temperamental kids were running and kicking soccer balls everywhere. Of course, I have one of each. ……. A kid who is a willing participant and a “not so much” kid. Madison doesn’t seem to do well with change or being around new people. She has to warm up first. Mason, however, jumped right in and was ready to play. He was amazing…..really! Not at all looking like a three year old playing soccer for the first time. Amazingly enough, I was concerned about the wrong kid. He’s a natural born athlete, wasn’t shy at all……and guess what? No one noticed his hand, and if they did……no questions were asked! AWESOME! Ok, I failed to mention it was also picture day. So they took their picture together and Mason did well, he has his foot on top of the soccer ball, looking like a miniature David Beckham….. Ok, not really, but that’s not the point. Ha! Madison, however………she’s pouting with her fingers in her mouth on the picture. Maybe another activity would work better for her. Gymnastics or Ballet, here we come. Soccer….is not for Madi-Moo.
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